College membership is open to legal professionals who have a substantial practice in strata and community titles law and to academics teaching or researching strata and community schemes law. You will join fellow lawyers who are recognised for their expertise and experience in this vital area of the law.
The College provides opportunities for members to share their knowledge and experience in best practice, to use College approved precedent documents, to have access to a constantly updated catalogue of Australian case law and an opportunity to participate in an industry focused and excellent continuing legal education program. It will give you the ideal venue to make contributions to the industry and the broader community to improve our laws and their application.
The College and its members are proactive in law reform. The College responds to proposals for law reform including discussion bills and forums.
The College is committed to providing members with resources and benefits to assist them in professional growth and contribution to the industry and community.
Eligibility for Membership of ACSL:
A person is eligible to be designated as a Fellow if they are a legal practitioner of not less than 5 years standing admitted to practice in a state or territory of Australia;
and they have satisfied the Council that they have:
- completed a course of study approved by the Council as a specialist course in the Discipline; and
- been engaged in specialist practice of the Discipline for not less than 5 years.
Or, the Council is satisfied on its own motion on such evidence and enquiry it determines, they have been engaged in specialist practice of the Discipline for not less than 5 years and are readily regarded by their peers a specialist practitioner of the Discipline and that it is inappropriate in the circumstances to require them to complete a specialist course of study approved by the Council as a specialist course in the discipline.
An Applicant who is not designated a Fellow under paragraph 9.1(c) may be designated a Fellow if they satisfy paragraphs 9.1(a) and (b).
ANNUAL FEE: $1023 incl. GST
Academic Member
A person is eligible to be admitted as an Academic Member if they are an academic of no less than 5 years standing in an Australian or overseas University or publicly recognised equivalent Institute;
and they have satisfied the Council that they have:
- been regularly engaged in academic research, writing, lecturing or consulting associated with the Discipline (in either a legal or nonlegal nature) for not less than 5 years; and
- are readily regarded by their peers as academics knowledgeable in the Discipline.
ANNUAL FEE: $225.50 incl. GST
A person is eligible to be admitted as a Member without being categorised as a Fellow or Academic Member if –
(a) they are a legal practitioner of no less than 3 years standing admitted to practice in a state or territory of Australia or any overseas common law jurisdiction acceptable to the Council; and
(b) they have satisfied the Council that they are currently engaged in practice of the Discipline in their home jurisdiction in a significant way.
ANNUAL FEE: $475.20 incl. GST
Government Member
A person is eligible to be admitted as a Government Member if –
(a) they are a legal practitioner admitted to practice in a state or territory of Australia or any overseas common law jurisdiction acceptable to the Council; and
(b) they have satisfied the Council that:
- they are an employee of an Australian or overseas Government or Government agency or hold a judicial or quasi-judicial office under such a Government; and
- their role as such an employee or office holder is associated with the Discipline.
ANNUAL FEE: $475.20 incl. GST
Associate Member
“Associate Member” means a Member who, in accordance with these Rules is categorised as an Associate Member of the College;
A person is eligible to be admitted as, or to remain as, an Associate Member if –
(a) they are a legal practitioner, admitted to practice in their home jurisdiction, or student enrolled in a Master’s program or PhD relevant to the Discipline in their home jurisdiction acceptable to the Council
Legal Practitioner
(b) they have satisfied the Council that they:
(i) are currently engaged in some way in the practice of the Discipline in their home jurisdiction; and
(ii) aspire to further develop their knowledge and skills so as to eventually specialise in the practice of the Discipline; and
Masters or PHD Professional
(c) they have satisfied the Council that they:
(i) are currently a student enrolled in a Master’s program or PhD relevant to the Discipline in their home jurisdiction; and
(ii) aspire to further develop their knowledge and skills so as to eventually specialise in the practice of the Discipline; and
(d) they do not qualify for any other class of membership of the College.
ANNUAL FEE: $143 incl. GST
Only Members who have been Members for 3 consecutive years prior to the date of the relevant general meeting, Fellows and Academic Members and are entitled to attend general meetings and to vote at those meetings, but this does not exclude a person from attending a general meeting for the purpose of Rule 17.
“Discipline” is defined to mean the law and practice associated with common interest subdivisions (i.e. subdivisions involving lots and common property whether or not a body corporate is established to administer the common property).
Applying for Membership of ACSL
- Complete the form every respect and click SUBMIT.
- An Application Fee is payable on completion of the Application Form.
In addition, applicants for membership as a Fellow or Academic Member will require a Referee Report.
The Referee Report should be independently completed by the Referees and submitted by them directly to the College by email. The Referees’ Reports are confidential between the Referees and the College.
NOTE: Your first year’s membership fee is due on approval of membership. Membership renewals are due in 12 months from your signup date.
> Email to generalmanager@acsl.net.au
ACSL Member Directory
Full directory of Members and their contact details.